The truth behind the show-off: Fake goodness and the game of power in society

In today’s society, we find many such people who impress others with their fake goodness
and impressive image. These people are adept at creating a different identity for themselves
using power, money and contacts. Outwardly they promise to help, pretend to stand with
people, but in reality their intention is only to maintain their power and image in the society.
By misusing power, money and contacts, these people use others for their own benefit. Their
influence in society becomes so deep that people often forget to differentiate between real
and fake goodness. Such people take advantage of the weaknesses of others to make them
dance to their tunes and do not shy away from hurting their self-respect if needed.
It is important to discuss this topic because this game of fake goodness is weakening
morality and credibility in our society. We all should understand that behind the external glitz
and big talk, there is often no real goodness. By thinking deeply on this subject and
recognizing it, we can create a healthy and trustworthy society, where help is true and
respect for people is genuine.

Meaning of fake kindness

Fake kindness means kindness or generosity that is done only for external show, but which
lacks true heart and intention. This kindness is superficial and its purpose is not to help
anyone, but to show a better image in front of people. Such people show sympathy in the
problems of others, promise help, but when there is a need to extend a helping hand, they
back out.
Often these people make such promises to make their identity in the society and to brighten
their image on others, which they do not intend to fulfill. They claim to solve people’s
problems, show sympathy to them, but their real purpose is to prove their strength and
influence. Such people try to influence others through their fake kindness so that they always
look “right” and “capable”.
In fact, behind fake kindness there is selfishness, ego and the intention to maintain one’s
reputation. Instead of helping, they prefer to control others and exploit their weaknesses.
Their true colours are revealed when the needy person genuinely hopes for help, and that is
when their fake goodness is exposed

Misuse of power and influence

Some powerful people in society try their best to polish their image with the help of their
power, money and contacts. To the outside world, these people appear generous and
helpful, but the reality behind them is often something else. To create their image, these
people resort to their fake goodness, so that people get the impression that they are helpful
to anyone and are well-wishers of the society. But in reality, this selfish behavior of theirs is
only a means to maintain their popularity and power

Some of these people do not feel pleasure in solving the problems of others, but in taking
pleasure in them. They show sympathy on seeing people weaker or troubled than them in
society, but in reality they enjoy their weaknesses by seeing their difficulties. These powerful
people see the troubles of others as an opportunity to satisfy their ego. This makes them feel
that they can control them and enjoy this power.
Not only this, some people have a tendency to like to put others in conflict and competition.
By misusing their power and influence, they put people around them in situations where they
have to struggle, so that their superiority and dominance remains. They think that the more
people struggle under them, the more their power and high position will remain. Thus, by
putting others in conflict, they display their power in a wrong way, due to which the sense of
morality, sympathy and mutual cooperation in society starts weakening.

Real motive: Self-satisfaction and ego

Powerful and pretentious people make continuous efforts to maintain their fake goodness in
the society. These people wear the mask of generosity and help in front of others, so that
they are considered a helpful and good person. They use their powers only for show, so that
people praise them and bow before them. This fake goodness of theirs is only a medium
through which they shine their image in the society and attract people’s attention.
Their real motive is to satisfy their ego. To satisfy this ego, they often try every possible way
to humiliate others. These people are not happy to see the hard work, talent or confidence of
others, but are engaged in a competition to prove themselves better and superior. They want
people to always appreciate them and keep praising them. For this, they try to highlight the
shortcomings of others and make them feel that they are inferior to them in some way.
In this tendency, their main goal is to suppress the self-esteem of others. They do not like
people who are self-confident and strong in their opinions. If a person expresses his opinion
with self-respect and firmness, they consider him arrogant and accuse him of being
disrespectful to people. To satisfy their ego, they do not hesitate to hurt the self-esteem of
others. For them, demeaning others and hurting their self-confidence becomes a proof of
their own superiority. Due to this tendency of theirs, people in society start feeling insecure,
and their self-confidence is also affected.

Effect on society

The prevalence of fake goodness and misuse of power in society has a serious negative
impact. Due to these pretentious people, the spirit of cooperation and harmony in society
starts weakening. These people pretend to be real helpers to others, but when help is really
needed, their real face is revealed. Due to this, people start hesitating to trust each other and
the spirit of mutual cooperation starts breaking. Gradually a situation is created in the society
where there is an atmosphere of lack of trust.
Such people attract people with their fake goodness, but when people have real
expectations from them, they are left empty-handed. This creates a sense of insecurity among people and they start shying away from trusting even the people around them. Such
incidents create an atmosphere of distrust in society, and people start finding it difficult to
identify true helpers.

How to differentiate between real helpers and fake ones?

It can be a little difficult to differentiate between fake ones and real helpers, but there are
some signs that can help you differentiate between the two.
Behavior and consistency
● Real helpers help without any pretense, while fake helpers are there only as long as
they have the possibility of some benefit.
Empathy and participation
● Real helpers are not limited to just showing sympathy; they involve themselves in
making the situation better.
Difference between words and actions
● Real helpers are recognized more by their actions than by their words. They believe
in helping others with a true heart, rather than talking big. Fake helpers, on the other
hand, try to polish their image by making fake promises and talking.
How to identify fake goodness
Identifying people in society who claim to be good just for the sake of it can be challenging.
To identify fake goodness, we need to understand their behavior and the real intent

How to identify fake goodness

Identifying people in society who claim to be good just for the sake of it can be challenging.
To identify fake goodness, we need to understand their behavior and the real intention
behind their promises. There are many signs by which we can identify whether the person in
front is really helpful or is just pretending to be fake to build his image.

(1)Ways to identify fake goodness
Difference between words and actions
● People who pretend to be good only talk big but do not actually do anything concrete.
They claim to help but when you ask them for help, they start making excuses.
Want only praise
● Fake helpers repeatedly talk about their goodness and expect praise. If you do not
appreciate their work, they may get angry or critical

Selective help
● Such people help only those from whom they are likely to get some kind of benefit.
They sometimes show sympathy only in front of important people so that their image
can shine.
Lack of confidentiality
● Real helpers keep their goodness confidential, while fake people tell everyone about
their smallest help so that they can appear good among the people.
(2)Ways to be cautious
Pay attention to people’s actions
● Look at their actions rather than their words. Be cautious and understand who is just
pretending and who is really helpful.
Trust carefully
● Avoid trusting someone too soon. Do not completely depend on him once he is
impressed by his good behavior; first understand his nature according to the time and

Recognize selfish tendencies
● If a person helps you only when it is beneficial for him or only tries to look generous
in front of influential people, then doubt his intentions.

(3)Choosing the right people
Recognize the qualities of true helpers
● True helpers always help without any selfishness and their work gives a feeling of
ease. They believe in service without expecting praise.
Learn from the experiences of others
● If you do not know a person, then listen to other people’s experiences about them.
This will help you understand their true nature.
Stick to your principles
● Follow your principles to connect with the right people and only be with those who
have the qualities of honesty, empathy, and cooperation


In today’s society, the importance of avoiding fake kindness and pretense is greater than
ever. In this age of pretense, where many people pretend to be helpful to create an external
image, it is extremely important to differentiate between real and fake kindness. Fake
kindness creates an atmosphere of confusion and distrust in society, which diminishes the
importance of true helpers. Therefore, being cautious of such people and identifying real
kindness is essential for the betterment of society.
Real change in society is possible only when people understand and adopt the value of true
kindness and selfless help. True help does not mean just showing sympathy towards him,
but also bringing a positive change in his life. When we help someone selflessly and with
true spirit, it also makes the environment around us sympathetic and helpful. This develops a
sense of mutual trust and solidarity in society, which is beneficial for all.
Finally, we must maintain positivity and a helping spirit in our attitude. By staying away from
pretense and adopting true goodness, we can not only make our lives satisfying but can
also inspire the people around us. This is a lesson that is an important step towards making
society strong and happy. True goodness will create an environment of trust, sympathy, and
cooperation in society, which will allow everyone to live a better and honest